A madárijesztő, mint metaforikus kifejezés forma a festészetben,
egy éve merült fel először bennem.
- Egy hivatásában hűségesen "dolgozó" magányos létű alak ő, akit emberi formával, a madarak számára is hihető és riasztó jelleggel ruháztunk fel, mi emberek.
Ezzel a megszemélyesítéssel nemcsak karakterekké, de érző, mozdulatlan lényekké tettük őket. -
Már a harmadik egyéniséget hoztam létre a képi világomban.
Az elsőt csak úgy festettem, a magányos, elfelejtett kis figurát..
A másodiknak született Brian, mert kértek tőlem egy "igazi csúnya" madárijesztőt.
A harmadikat pedig azért festettem, mert kellett egy boldog is, a szomorúság után..
Utóbbi még keresi tulajdonosát, aki befogadná ŐT az otthonába,
hogy ne csak a "kertben élje" sanyarú életét.. :-)
The scarecrow, than metaphorical expression form in the painting,
a year of his occurred to me first.
- A shape with lonely existence working in his profession faithfully he, who with a human form, for the birds credible and alarm with a character invested, we people_nation.
With this personification not only characters, but feeling, we made them immobile beings. -
I created the third individuality in my pictorial world already.
a year of his occurred to me first.
- A shape with lonely existence working in his profession faithfully he, who with a human form, for the birds credible and alarm with a character invested, we people_nation.
With this personification not only characters, but feeling, we made them immobile beings. -
I created the third individuality in my pictorial world already.
I dyed the first so only, the lonely, forgotten little figure.
Brian was born the second because they asked a real ugly scarecrow of me.
I dyed the third because a happy one, the sadness were needed though.
Latter is looking for his proprietor, who would take him into his home, yet,
that no let him live his dire life in the garden only. :-)
Brian was born the second because they asked a real ugly scarecrow of me.
I dyed the third because a happy one, the sadness were needed though.
Latter is looking for his proprietor, who would take him into his home, yet,
that no let him live his dire life in the garden only. :-)
A boldog madárijesztő (The happy scarecrow)
Az elfelejtett madárijesztő (The forgotten scarecrow)
Brian a madárijesztő (Brian the scarecrow)
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